Create Super Food Explorers through Gradual Exposure
Why do children have trouble intaking new foods? Do you find that your kids have difficulty trying foods because of their texture, smell,...

When Should Dairy be Restricted from a Child?
The most commonly received special dietary request at Yummies for Little Tummies is to restrict Dairy. This is also one of the more...

Introducing New Food to Kids in Childcare
Whether you've got a bunch of new kids, or you're offering food at your centre for the first time, this blog will help you get the kids...

How much salt is safe for kids?
It’s not breaking news that too much salt (or Sodium) is not great for anyone, kids or adults. But do you know exactly how much salt is...

Helping Kids Tryfor5 - “Small Change, Big Gains” this Nutrition Week
Nutrition Australia devotes Nutrition Week each year to the Tryfor5 campaign to try to convince Aussies to eat more fruit and vegetables....

What to do if you suspect your child has a food intolerance or allergy?
Do you suspect that your child has a food allergy or intolerance? In Australia, food allergy affects 10% of children up to 1 year of age,...

What do I do if my child was eating healthy and has now stopped?
What do I do if my child was eating healthy and has now stopped? You’ve hastily (but lovingly) prepared your 18-month-old’s favourite...

Is it possible for kids to eat too much fruit?
Is it possible for kids to eat too much fruit? Fruit is the perfect snack straight from nature. Fruits are naturally sweet, brimming with...

4 Easy NutritionTips To Grow Healthy Kids
4 Easy NutritionTips To Grow Healthy Kids We all want our kids to grow and be healthy. Itcan help to keep the end-game in mind,because...

Keeping Kids Unclogged
Do Too Many Carbs really Clog Kids Up? Nothing is sure to strike fear in the heart of a parent than a child who can’t poo! Troublesome...